Graphreader V2: Try the new features: Snap to lines, Axis rotation, Show grid, Freeform mode, and new curve tracking. Help page

1) Select image. Browse, Drag & drop or Paste your graph image to the page.
2) Resize the blue box to define the axis scaling. If needed rotate with right mouse drag.
3) Enter corresponding x/y Axis scaling values : [y-high, y-low, x-high, x-low]
4) Place fixpoints on the target curve. Double-click to create new point. Right-click to delete fixpoint.
5) Click Generate curve to sample the curve. See furhter options for Sampling intervals and Sampling methods.
6) Scroll down to see the generated curve data and export as CSV or JSON formats. See more Help page

Browse, Drag & drop or Paste image




Axis scaling (blue rectangel)

Sampling intervals (x-axis)

Sampling method

Post processing

Data Output

Inserted Fixpoints x|y

Sampled Curve points x|y

Post processed curve x|y

Export format:

Estimated accuracy for sampled y-values(beta):

Export Field     (Get your JSON or CVS data here)

Data Preview Plot

Codes for quick saving and loading of the above settings

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